Take a moment to watch this public service announcement about the Desert Discovery Center from Scottsdale Councilman, Guy Phillips.
Click through the following links to learn more about the history of the DDC project.
Notice of Claim To City of Scottsdale
Rebuttal to David Smith’s justification
Protect Our Preserve Presentation
Presentation to Scottsdale Community Council 10/19/2017
Current Map of the McDowell Sonoran Preserve
Graph of DDC Size and Cost Growth over time
An Accurate Timeline of the DDC as it has unfolded over 20 years.
Kroy Eckblaw’s DDC Timeline Clarified and Annotated
Preserve Ballot Summaries and Language
Gammage Memorandum on why DDC conforms to the Preserve Ordinance
Watch public comments with regard to the DDC at the June 7, 2016 Scottsdale “City Council Regular and Special Meetings” on Player. Comments begin at 2:24:10. You must click on “player” next to the June 7th meeting in the list.
DDC in the News:
Take a moment to learn more about the history of the DDC in our archive of articles on the DDC.