Renegade Ramble: Day 1. 10.5 miles.
Asking $20 per mile. Please help to reach our goal of $25,000 by July 31, 2017.
Desert Park Trail. Tom’s Thumb Trail. Wingate Pass Trail. Gateway Loop Trail. Saguaro Trail.
I wasn’t the first at Gateway Trailhead this morning; there were at least twenty cars in the lot when I arrived at 5:45 am. I began on the Desert Park Trail, one I have hiked past for years and never bothered to explore. It skirts the edge of DC Ranch where construction of several large homes was already underway.
Though I’ve hiked in the Preserve for over a decease nearly every day, javelinas and I had been on parallel trails until this morning. Two collared peccaries hobbled in front of me through a wash near an underpass and community entrance. To my relief, they lumbered off quickly, and I did the same. When I got home, I did a bit of research and found that javelinas are herbivores who rarely attack humans. Avoid feeding them to keep your neighbors and hikers safe! (See this story from the AZ Republic:…/fountain-hills-woman-r…/84060746/)
The remainder of the hike was lovely, though relatively uneventful. I took Tom’s Thumb Trail to TT9 at 3,741 feet elevation and then retraced my steps to Wingate Pass Trail and made my way back to the Trailhead on the Gateway Loop.
I hiked a total of 10.5 miles and feel rather good. I met two new Scottsdale residents who graciously signed our Petition, one of whom offered to hike with me and volunteer! All in all, it was a successful first day.
Today’s challenge: pick out the camouflaged collared peccary below.