May Matching Funds and Council Meeting

Matching Funds
We had a very successful matching funds campaign in May.
$10,704 was collected for the legal fund to call for a vote on the DDC in our Preserve.
That brings our total collections of matching funds to $14,699 through the end of May.
We have already collected over $2000 in June.
Thank you so much to our generous supporters!
We still have $8,000 available in matching funds.
Please donate if you have not yet contributed.
Spread the word and ask others to donate. If each of you can donate $50, we will meet our goal a month early. There are 3 ways to donate, mail a check made out to Protect Our Preserve to:
Protect Our Preserve
POB 3422
Carefree, AZ 85377
We just added a PayPal button to our website, and we still have a GoFundMe page.
Go to for all links.*
*Donations are NOT tax deductible: “Why are donations not tax deductible?” many have asked. has looked into 501-C-3 status and chosen a different non-profit designation in order to keep our actionable options open moving forward. We decided not to file tax-exempt status so as not to limit our ability to use the funds we have collected for various legal actions. If you have further questions with regard to our non-profit status, please contact a board member or email us at
June 13 City Council Meeting
There is a city council meeting on June 13 at 5 pm and there will be a brief update on DDC. The DDC time line presentation is at the very beginning of the meeting, even before public comment, and it will be given by city staff, not DDCSI staff. There will be competition for the few public speaking opportunities at the beginning of the meeting. They do not split time, speaking cards are handed out on a first come basis regardless of topic or opinion. Technically you cannot use general public comment time for anything on the agenda, but since the DDC presentation is not a real agenda item speakers may be allowed to talk about the DDC. Several anti DDC speakers plan to present.
For more information on the meeting, go to:
Petitions will be available for signing and a Notary Public will be there to collect completed petitions just after the Public Comment section at about 5:15 PM. Howard Myers will also be present with flyers on the matching funds campaign and is also available to collect your donations by check.
The Notice of Claim has been delivered to the City and we are preparing for our follow up.