We wish all our supporters a happy and prosperous 2017!
We have penned a letter to the DDC supporters outlining the reasons why they should withdraw their support for the DDC in its current form. Please read the letter (click here for link) and if you agree with it, add your name and note any title or affliation you want to include and send this information to info@protectourpreserve.org. The letter with all our signatures will be sent out to DDC supporters and posted on numerous websites. It will be public.
A huge thanks to all of our volunteers who have passed out flyers at Preserve Trailheads. We have reached over 2200 people and the overwhelming majority are opposed to commercial development in our Preserve.
We are adding a new dimension to this activity, we will be requesting the names and email addresses of the supporters as we distribute flyers. It is essential that we increase our database of supporters. All the initiative and referendum efforts require thousands of signatures from Scottsdale citizens and these contacts will be the foundation for the movement.
Our goal is an additional 2017 registered supporters for the New Year.
Please go to our signup Genius site and volunteer to help. Sign up for any day or time of day .
Thanks in advance for your support.
As always, we need more volunteers. If you can donate a few hours of your time for desk work, please email your contact information to McDowellSP100@gmail.com with desk work volunteer in the subject line.
Protect Our Preserve Directors
Howard Myers, Kate Conway and Betty Janik